
Thursday 28 June 2012

An end date is in sight

Good morning!  Just thought I'd give you all a quick update on me and the baby since it's been a while.  I'm due TOMORROW!!!!!!!  Who knows if Devereux will actually show up tomorrow or not but the end is near.  I was at the doc for my weekly checkup yesterday and I haven't progressed really since my checkup the week before and I was barely 1 cm dilated then.  A couple weeks ago the baby decided to shift and set up shop on my tailbone which actually caused me quite a bit of discomfort.  Luckily I had a doctor's appointment a few days after that happened and the doc was able to shift him off my tailbone.  I felt like a whole new woman the next day and haven't had any tailbone issues again since so Devi has behaved and hasn't shifted back thankfully.

At yesterday's appointment the doc said baby was in a good position and had a good heart rate.  My measurements hadn't changed so I hadn't dropped anymore and I've had no contractions or Braxton Hix or any signs of labour so he went ahead and booked an induction date for me just in case.  So if Devi doesn't come out on his own accord in the next week and a half the doc is only letting me go 10 days overdue and I will go in to the hospital on Monday, July 9th to be induced.

So we will see what happens in the next week and a half.  We're still very excited and anxious and impatient all at the same time right now but it feels good to have an end date in sight and know we'll at least have the little munchkin in our arms by July 9th/10th :)

Here's a some pics I've taken with my iPhone (my pregnancy fashion diaries) over the last little while of the progression of my pregnancy that I haven't posted in any previous blog posts yet.
Love this shirt!  Perhaps my fave shirt I wore throughout my whole pregnancy
Love this shirt too but it got too short shortly after this and it didn't entire cover my belly anymore.  It's "stretch" was limited.  And I was still working so every so often I would get a little ambitious in the mornings and do something nice with my hair like add an accessory
Just a casual day on the weekend
Love this outfit too.  Nothing like a big bling necklace and a sparkly sequined tummy :)
This shirt is another all-time fave.  Worked regardless of what size I was and it was actually sheer so it was nice and light and airy.  Again I was still working and would get ambitious some mornings and actually accessorize, hence the fun feather/leaf motif necklace.  The ring is actually a Penfold family heirloom that Dorian's mother gave to me as an engagement/wedding present when she came over for our wedding last Fall.  The ring is Dorian's Grandmother's engagement ring.  It is yellow gold with a garnet stone.  Garnet is actually Dorian's mother's birthstone and happens to also be my mother's birthstone (their birthdays just happen to be one after the other funnily enough)
Just a simple fun and colorful tank top.  I was on mat leave at this point and it was getting warmer so dressing was simpler and simpler LOL.
Anther casual outfit on mat leave.  I think it was an overcast day and Daniel and I were just going to head to the stores
This was actually just last week, my most recent pic of myself.  It was super hot and our house was sweltering but I had a doctor's appointment and some errands to run so had to dress appropriately.  I chose this top because it was sleeveless AND sheer so I could just get away with a little cami underneath it.  And of course maternity shorts since my bumming around sweat material booty shorts aren't appropriate for public LOL

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